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Zive Agents

Learn how Zive Agents can boost your productivity by performing tasks and pursuing goals for you.

Updated this week

Zive Agents are AI-powered systems you can set up to make your life easier and become more productive and efficient. You can see agents as your work companions for a all kinds of use cases, helping you automate tasks, support your decision making, analyzing data and much more.

How to set up Zive Agents

Creating a new agent

Note: Creating agents is currently only possible for users with the Moderator role.

Note: Agents that are created and not hidden via the settings are available to all your platform users.

Agents have their own section which you find in your navigation bar. On the starting page you find an overview of the available agents with your favorites starred at the top. To create an agent you find the button "Create new" in the top right corner.

In the slider that opens you can give the basic information about your new agent. You need to provide a name and a description and can select an icon an the color for your agent as well as defining Managers that should be able to edit the agent. All of the information can be adjusted afterwards as well. Click on "Continue" to start defining the detailed settings for your new agent.

Configuring an agent

Tip: Use the preview on the right side to see how your configurations impact the look of your agent and even test prompts to see if you get the expected results.

Description tab

On the first tab of your new agent you now find the basic information you just provided and have the possibility to adjust those. While most of the information is pretty straight forward to things to highlight:

  • Hidden: This toggle gives you the possibility to hide your agent while you are setting it up or testing it. While this is toggled on, the agent is only visible to the creator and if defined Managers

  • Managers: Through adding users as managers for an agent you allow them to edit the agent you created. This is great if you want to collaborate with others on creating an agent. Deleting an agent is only possible for the creator of it.

General tab

The tab "General" is the core of your agent, where you can define its environment and purpose.

  • Instruction: Describe the identity of your agent and what you expect to be done. If the agent should follow a specific procedure or before steps in a certain order you can of course define this as well. Keep in mind that the instructions you provide are applied to all conversation users have with this agent.

  • Welcome message: Simply tell the agent what should be the opening message towards users. You can use this to make it easier for users to know what the agent can do and how they can work with it.

  • Conversation starters: Here you can define example prompts that are permanently displayed at the top of the thread. Extremely useful to provide users an easy way to get started and understand what they can prompt to the agent or ask it to do.

Tip: A clear structure of the instruction can lead to better results of the agent. In case the results are not perfect yet, try to optimize the instructions and test your agent in the preview to check the impact.

Knowledge tab

Here you can add specific context to your agent. This can make sense if there is information that is consistently relevant for the use cases the agent is covering. There are two add knowledge to an agent.

  • Select from company knowledge: Enter a search term to find internal content within Zive that you want to be permanently attached.

  • Upload local files: Alternatively you can also easily upload files by clicking in the upload window or drag and drop your files there.

You always see the attached knowledge at the bottom of the tab and can easily remove it again.

Tip: Use this for knowledge that is relevant for every thread users have with the agent. If the relevant content might be individual for users, they can always attach files in their agent conversation.

Capabilities tab

Last but not least you can define what the agent should be able to do. Currently you can select or deselect the following capabilities:

  • Search company knowledge: This lets you define whether or not the agent should perform an internal search. For example there might be cases where only certain content or knowledge needs to be considered very strictly. Here it could make sense to attach this in the Knowledge tab and deactivate the search capability.

  • Data analyst: Whenever you expect your agent to perform complex tasks or solve complex problems this capability will likely be required to achieve ideal results.

Tip: More is not always better! There might be simple use cases where deselecting a capability can lead to better results. Also be aware that response times of your agent can be impacted by the capabilities.

Deleting an agent

Note: Agents can only be deleted by Moderators.

When entering the settings of an agent you find a button "Delete" at the bottom left. You will be asked to confirm this action as once deleted an agent can't be restored. So think twice before doing this.

How to use Zive Agents

Organize your agents

Users can find all created agents that are not hidden as soon as they select "Agents" in the navbar on the left. Users can mark agents as a favorite by clicking the star icon, which saves them in the section "Your favorite agents" at the top of the page. This allows easy access to the most relevant and most frequently needed agents.

Work with agents

You can easily access an agent by clicking on it. If you already used the agent it will bring you back to your last conversation. In the top right corner you find a button to start a new thread. You can then use one of the prompts that were predefined as conversation starters or enter your prompt at the bottom.

The agent will perform provide an answer to your request following the instructions that were defined in the settings.

Attach files to an agent conversation

There might be use cases that require you to add a relevant file to a conversation with a Zive agent. You can always do this by clicking on "Attach" below the input field. Here you can select to search for a file within Zive to add it or upload a file from your local device. It works in the same way as the Prompt Attachment feature in the Zive Assistant.

Note: Files attached to a thread are not indexed into the Zive platform and not accessible for other users.

Manage your agent threads

All your conversations with an agent are saved, to enable you to jump back into a thread whenever you need it. Your most recent threads are displayed on the left side to allow quick access. For a full list just click on "Show all" which opens a slider where you find all your conversation with this agent. Here you also have the possibility to delete threads from the past.

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