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Learn how to search and find things in the right language.

Updated over a week ago

Zive supports multi-language search by default. For each content, Zive automatically determines the language and adds a flag to the result. That way you can easily see the language of each item in the search result list.

Search result item with language flag

Search scoring for multi-language content

When you search or ask a question to the Zive Assistant, Zive automatically determines the language of your query and prioritizes content of that language in your search results. However, due to our intelligent semantic search, Zive is also able to find related content in other languages and will also present those as part of your search result list.

Filtering by language

Zive allows you to filter your search results to only display content of certain languages. This is easily done through the Filter button under the search bar.

Setting your personal default language

You may also optionally set your personal preferred language in your account preferences which will automatically set your preferred language as a default filter when working with Zive.

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